What an amazing view it is! at Nanzen-ji, Kyoto

“What an amazing view it is!!!! The night view in Kyoto is worth tons of gold in spring,”

cried Japanese heroic outlaw, Goemon Ishikawa, on the roof of the main gate at the temple named Nanzen-ji.

Goemon had something similar to Robin Hood. He robbed gold of the rich and gave it to the poor while Sumurai battled each other with swords.

Of course, I was not able to climb up to the roof of the gate called Sanmon. However, I was able to go up to the balcony and look around the city centre Goemon praised.

“What a superb views it is!!!”

I shouted as if I was a well-known robber.

2015-03-27 047San Mon, Nanzen-ji, Kyoto

I walked through the gate and found cherry blossoms blooming. Spring was coming even though it was chilly in the end of March.

Sakura in Sanmon, Nanzenji

The roof of San Mon with cherry blossoms, Nanzen-Ji, Kyoto

Nanzen-ji is one of the headquarters of Rinzai Zen Buddhism. The emperor established in the end of the 13th century.

Zen style gardens and arts still remain here.


One of the main buildings and yards of Nanzen-ji

Also, this temple is famous for the waterway to Kyoto city from Lake Biwa that is the largest lake in Japan.

The construction that was made of red bricks somewhat looked like Pond du Gard, however it is not as old as French one.It was built in the end of the 19th century because the number of population increased in Kyoto City.


A waterway from Lake Biwa to Kyoto City

I often visit this temple at the beginning of Spring. However, you can avoid heat in summer. There are red and yellow foliage in autumn. In winter, snow is covered with the roof of historical buildings. This place entertain all year around and you can find various beauty each season here.

☆How to get Nanzen-ji

From Kyoto Station:

Kyoto Station—(Subway Karasuma line)—Karasuma Oike station—(Subway Tozai line)—Keage station—(5 min, walk)—Nanzen-ji

Time: about 25 minutes, Cost: about £1.5

You can get on Subway Karasuma line at Kyoto station, change from Subway Karasuma line to Subway Tozai line at Karasuma Oike station. Then, you can get off it at Keage station and walk for about 5 minutes.

Nanzen-ji English page:http://www.nanzen.net/english/

How to get Muro-ji, Nara, Japan

How to get Muro-ji is a difficult question. It is located in a extremely remote area.

I try to explain the way to go there. If you have a question, do not hesitate to leave a comment to me.

From Tokyo:

Tokyo/ Shinagawa—(Bullet train)—Nagoya—(Kintetsu limited express)—Ise Nakagawa—(Kintetsu limited express)—Nabari—(Kintetsu train)—Muroguchi Ono—(Kintetsu bus)—Muro-ji

You can get on JR Bullet train called Shinkansen, to Nagoya station from Tokyo station or Shinagawa station, then change Bullet train to Kintetsu train to Muroguchi Ono station. You usually have to change trains at Ise-Nakagawa and Nabari station. (You can ask station stuffs or students which train to go to Muroguchi Ono station.) After getting off the train there, you have to ride a taxi or a bus. A bus goes to Muro-ji every 30 minutes.

Time: about 4 hours, Cost: approximately £85

From Kyoto/ Nara:

Kyoto/ Nara—(Kintetsu train)—Yamato Yagi–(Kintetsu train)—Muroguchi Ono—(Kintetsu bus)—Muro-ji

You can get on Kintetsu train to Muroguchi Ono station from Kyoto or Nara station. You usually have to change trains at Yamato Yagi station. After getting off the train there, you have to ride a taxi or a bus.

Time: 2 hours, Cost: about £10

From Kansai International Airport:

Kansai International Airport—(Airport bus)—Yamato Yagi–(Kintetsu train)—Muroguchi Ono—(Kintetsu bus)—Muro-ji

You can ride the airport bus to Yamato-Yagi station, then you can get on Kintetsu train to Muroguchi Ono station. After getting off the train there, you have to ride a taxi or a bus.

Time: 2 hours, Cost: about £14


A peaceful moment in Muro-ji, Nara, JAPAN

I came back to Japan at the end of March and stayed there for two weeks.  My cousins and I went to Buddhism temple, Muro-ji. This temple was built in a secluded mountain area off the east of the ancient capital, Nara in the 7th century. “A peaceful moment in Muro-ji, Nara, JAPAN”の続きを読む

古き良き日本を懐古 ~元料亭のうどん屋さん IN 伊賀上野~




店に生まれ変わりました。 “古き良き日本を懐古 ~元料亭のうどん屋さん IN 伊賀上野~”の続きを読む


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